
Penn Asian Review Constitution

Article I: Name

The name of the organization shall be Penn Asian Review.

Article II: Purpose

The purpose of Penn Asian Review is to provide a forum for Penn undergraduates to intellectually discuss all aspects of the Asia-Pacific region.  The Review consists of an open weblog forum and a semi-annual publication.  The weblog forum aims to provide an informal platform for students to post comments while the journal publication will include academic papers, features, analysis, editorials, and other pertinent material.  Thus, the group seeks to promote intelligent awareness of current events and long-term issues of the region through serious discourse.

Article III: Officers

1.     The officers of the group shall consist of an Editor-in Chief and the Editors of the editorial, business, and design groups.
2.     The Editor-in-Chief is the chief executive of the Penn Asian Review and is ultimately responsible for the business, the journal publication and the weblog.  The Editor-in-Chief has the final say on all matters and is responsible for coordinating all departments of the organization. 
3.     The Business Manager is the head manager of the Business Department, and is responsible for the Finance, Marketing, and Outreach Managers and should always know all business operations, such as recruitment, distribution, and solicitation of materials.  The Business Manager reports back to the Editor-in-Chief all financial and marketing matters concerned with the Review.  The Business Manager reports to the Editor-in-Chief.
4.     The Finance Manager is in charge of all finance related aspects of the organization, such as the solicitation of grants and distribution revenue.  The Finance Manager is responsible for pursuing SAC funding and representing the club at SAC meetings. The Finance Manager should work closely with the Advertising Manager and should report back to the Business Manager.
5.     The Advertising Manager is responsible for all marketing aspects of the Journal, such as selling ads and marketing the journal to the student body.  The Advertising Manger should work closely with the Finance Manager and should report back to the Business Manager.
6.     The Outreach Manager is responsible for making and maintaining connections with professors and speakers.  The Outreach Manager reports back to the Business Manager.
7.     The Managing Editor is responsible for all operations within the editorial side of the organization, which includes the Editor and the Design Editor.  The Managing Editor reports back to the Editor-in-Chief.
8.     The Design Editor is in charge of the layout of the Journal and reports directly to the Managing Editor.  The Design Editor is also in charge of making posters and ads and should work closely with the Advertising Manager.
9.     The Editor is in charge of the process for selecting articles for the Journal, which involves collecting the articles, notifying all writers of the selection process, and facilitating the editorial process. The Editor reports to the Managing Editor.
10.   The Webmaster is in charge of the layout of the website as well as maintaining the website.  The Webmaster reports back to the Editor-in-Chief.
11.   The Blog Editor is in charge of all online articles, including mediating comments.  The Blog Editor reports back to the Webmaster.
12.   While the Editor-in-Chief has the final say on all matters regarding the organization, in case of a dispute, the Editor-in-Chief has the responsibility to consult with the Faculty Advisor.
13.   In instances when it is not possible, or desirable, to find separate people to assume each of the responsibilities enumerated above, members may take on dual responsibilities.
14.   All officers must have access to the Review’s email and web account
15.   The faculty advisor is Dr. Siyen Fei. The officers of the club will be responsible for keeping her updated on developments and going to her for advice when needed.

Article IV: Members
1.     Membership in this organization shall be open for application from all undergraduate students in good standing currently enrolled in the University of Pennsylvania, regardless of race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, or physical ability.
2.     Membership is valid following successful completion of a review for which the requirements are set by the Editor-in-Chief. Although membership remains valid throughout the career of a Penn undergraduate, the Editor-in-Chief has full discretion regarding who is to be named on the masthead of the publication itself and on the weblog unless otherwise noted.
3.     Members will be on the editorial board, business team, or design team, and may assume multiple duties. It is important to remember that for different jobs, members may need to report to different officers.
4.     Membership for new applicants must be approved by the Editor-in-Chief, and may be revoked at any time by the same unless otherwise noted.
5.     Any member, with the exception of the Editor-in-Chief, may resign at any time by filing a written resignation to the Editor-in-Chief. If the Editor-in-Chief wishes to resign, he/she must find a replacement from within the organization who voluntarily agrees to accept the vacated position and all of its attendant responsibilities. Further, resigning from the organization forfeits the right to rejoin.

Article V: Elections

1.     A new board of officers must be appointed every calendar year, and elections will be held in January for appointments through the following year. All members may participate in voting.
2.     Any member may self-nominate for an officer position as long as he/she belongs to the team the position is in charge of (editorial, business, or design).

Article VI: General Meetings

Meetings of this organization shall be held on a regular basis for the purpose of determining policy, activities, programs, and other relevant matters.

Article VII: Amendments

Amendments to this Constitution must be discussed and agreed on by a majority of the membership of the organization.


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