
Showing posts from 2009

Bipolar North Korea?

“South Korea: The Winner of the Nuclear Project Deal”

North Korea: Will winter shortages intensify rights abuses?

The Beginning of a New Era in Korea-Japan Relations?

A Comparative Study of Social Mobility of Middle Classes in Japan and Korea - CEAS Event Review

Korean Hospitals Learn to Say 'Push' in 4 Languages

South Korea's Latest Export: Its Alphabet

Low fertility rate? Not anymore!

Comparing Mainland China and Hong Kong

Samsung Electronics' Stong Performance and Bright Outlook

The Role of Korean Mothers in Early Study Abroad

Time's Take on the India-China Rivalry


From the Archives: Investing the Personal with the Political in Chinese Film

The Future of North Korea’s Nuclear Weapons Program

Weapons Disguised as Words

Sentimental Reflections on the 60th Birthday of PRC

The Future of Iran

Japan baby-stepping towards Gender Equality

Terrorism and Southeast Asia

North Korean Defectors

The Geopolitical Importance of Central Asia

Could The Tables Be Turning...?

Wind Energy in China

The Korean Legislature

Welcome to Penn Asian Review